Personal Training
OPEX South Lake

Personal Training

Are you ready for results? For a customized fitness plan that considers everything about you – your fitness level, your goals, and your health – personal training at OPEX South Lake is as unique as you are.

Personal training at OPEX South Lake in Clermont, brings that one-on-one fitness experience to a new level, with certified trainers who empower members to be the best through coaching, motivation, and accountability. Personal trainers at our gym in Clermont build a fitness routine around your body composition, your commitment, and your exercise preferences and abilities.

Take the first step to better health and wellness! 

Schedule a FREE Consultation TODAY

Start with a free consultation

OPEX South Lake Services
On-site Coaching
On-site Coaching
Remote Coaching
Remote Coaching
Teen Athlete Development
Teen Athlete Development
Personal Training
Personal Training